The Manipulator's Bible
Do you know the difference between manipulation & persuasion?
The quarrel between both is your intention.
Manipulation is used to only benefit the manipulator.
Persuasion is used to benefit you, the collective or improve the lives of many.
But the strategies in action? Are exactly the same.
That’s why “Saint’s” and Agents of Pain show the same behavior. Their strategies to influence you are the same. The only difference is the intention that guides their actions.
Saints want the best for you and the world. But as you know. Very few people are actually Saints.
So there’s a high chance the next person you meet is a manipulator that gives 0 fucks about you or your emotions.
That’s why I wrote the Manipulators Bible. Instead of prayers, you find all the tricks a manipulator might pull on you.
And you’ll…
- Discover the 3 types of manipulators everyone (including you) will come across - sooner or later. You must know there’s a reason why being “direct” will cause a different reaction for each manipulator. If you're in the presence of one - using the wrong strategy might be the single cause of multiplied psychological damage.
Why some family members manipulate everyone around them like clockwork. These minute manipulations are well intended but bleed every relationship dry. Despite being family, “talking sense” makes everything worse. They are oblivious of their own actions. Here is the 3-step “self-protection protocol” to stop even full-throttled manipulation trains in their tracks.
- There are saints in business, right? WRONG. If a potential business partner gives you the easy to slip by “Facebook” impression stop. Refrain from agreeing to anything until you manage to “look under their hood”.
- The single most important factor to regard in business deals. It’s the reason why almost every social media platform is Free, but rakes in more cash than any other paid business model day after day.
You’d think people value their freedom the most, right? The last 2 years have disproven exactly that. In the Manipulators Bible, you’ll learn exactly why people give up freedom for security. Even though it seems to be an irrational decision.
I have a question for you…
Manipulation is manipulation, right? WRONG. Discover the difference between “soft” and “hard” manipulation. Each method damages your psyche the same. Surgical precision is a must if you want to deal with both methods effectively. And each of them requires a different strategy.
- The three human tendencies that rest alert in every manipulator's back pocket. (No.3 is “Nostalgia” and it makes you miss something you never enjoyed. That’s why you’ll always miss the relationship no matter how much you hated your ex.
- The TRUTH about human tendencies. Would you rather take free $100 or $200? In the Manipulators Bible, you’ll discover the reason why most would take the $100. PLUS How manipulators use this psychological loophole and chain you to a desk. (Literally and figuratively)
Have you ever asked “Why people support one thing publicly, yet do another privately?”, “Why Apple is more successful than other mobile phone services?” and “Why white people support BLM, even when the movement is about canceling white people?” It’s a very odd behavior that manipulators leverage to their utmost benefit. And it’s explained in detail in the Manipulators Bible.
Did you know that...
- Counterattacking is the number one protection from future manipulation attempts! But do you know the steps required to recognize and undermine a manipulator? (Ps. It starts all with recognizing the human tendency used against you)
- The Six Machiavellian Maxims revealed. INCLUDING: Why Forgiveness increases the need for punishment. (It has nothing to do with self-gratification. But everything with earning the respect you deserve)
- Forgiving is enough, right? WRONG. The reason why every offense must be punished. REGARDLESS of how minute it may be. PLUS: How to punish the right way while keeping the relationship stable.
- Knowledge is power. And the more knowledge a person has about you, the more potential power they have over you. But did you know that you can feed a manipulator certain information without moving into the “losing position”? PLUS the 4 pieces of information you must keep hidden or you run the risk of being manipulated.
- The “cheat code” to set up business proposals that almost forces prospects to accept it. Even if they decline, the chance of doing business with them in the future shoots through the roof.
Also, you’ll discover the only situation where you can beat someone up and add bonus points to your reputation at the same time. In every other situation, you’ll have to employ a different strategy for confrontation. The Manipulator’sion Bible tells you exactly how.
And you’ll…
- Always know how to keep the position that’s advantageous to you with the sneaky strategy everyday presidents use after their elections. This sneaky strategy can be fused with “Mutual interest” so you’ll always have the upper hand.
- 3 backhand strategies that will get people to act in your best interest. Brutal Manipulation is your last resort to get what you want. Number two requires you to be an above-average man. (If you’re reading this you already fulfill this prerequisite)
- How the “Silent Treatment “ should actually be used.
Did you know the more you say, the less you are heard? This has nothing to do to get you hooked. But this undercover principle from business strategy. The Pareto principle. With 20% effort on his side, he gets 80% of manipulation results. The rest is put in by you on default (due to our human tendencies). This requires you to be comfortable with silence, excellent with body language & an effective communicator knowing the words that convey your meaning most effectively.
- The single most important reason why you should talk less. It’s very easy to apply but it packs more power than any words you’ll ever use.
- Do you like hanging out with your friends? You should miss out sometimes on purpose. Even if your schedule is empty. Here’s why...
- The five incentives that make you susceptible to manipulation. All five are like rocket launchers in your manipulator's arsenal for manipulation. A reaction that’s too late will result in an emotional implosion that might scar you for life. Discover the 5 incentives below…
There’s a reason why The Manipulators Bible reveals to you the 3 types of humans you must avoid at all costs. PLUS: The flash warning signs that you must know before you get chained to their existence. Additionally, you’ll find out about…
- The eight manipulative tactics that result in a feeling of lost control, emotional scars, and questioning of your own worth. (Gaslighting is dangerous and known to almost everyone. The other strategies are like underdogs, yet they are just as or even more harmful).
- Why you should always speak up when a friend did you wrong in any kind of way. It might blow up in the form of a “Silent War”. It will lead to seclusion and damage the self-confidence of almost every individual involved.
How manipulators might try to exclude you from a group. It’s a slow and gradual shift from a group of friends to spending almost every second of my day.
- The five insidious characters a manipulator can play. (For example “The Godfather” builds an allegiance with every individual in a group. And when the time comes, he’ll chip in a favor that can lead to your seclusion.
Ever called someone out on their actions and they play the victim card? Well, that’s called “The Perpetual Victim” and it’s only one of five insidious characters a manipulator plays to influence your decisions.
- Do you know how far the loyalty of your friends reaches? Test them against these 6 small signs to find out if you should take a loss now or keep them close forever. In “normal” circumstances it takes weeks or months to find out. It might be too late then. Pay attention to these almost hidden tells and you’ll know immediately.
All is fair in love and war. Here’s how you can win both without suffering too much from the “double-edged sword” of manipulation.
(Important Note: Love is the only war where you do not fight to win, but rather to keep the fight going while you make sure that nobody loses. Your ultimate task is to keep the imbalances at a tolerable level and use certain “deterrents” to enforce fair play, in your way.)
How to keep the balance you’ll discover in the manipulator's bible.
Do you have any relationship problems? Yes or No, you must know this secret…
- How you can keep the competition anxiety high and your relationships stable. PLUS: The easiest questions to measure if you’re suffering from competition anxiety. (Side note for the Guys: You will not survive in a relationship where the value disparity between the two of you is much and you’re not improving rapidly to meet or surpass them. If that is your case, manipulating the situation will buy you time, but eventually, you will run out of time.)
- Manipulation in love is like going “all-in” in Las Vegas. The danger is losing your romantic interest, but the reward is a stronger, more stable relationship.
- Did you know that consistent fact in romantic relationships: The person who needs the other’s attention more will have to be the one who makes the most concessions.
The Manipulator's Bible